Voting for Latium on Bit-Z

As noted in our previous article, Latium will be available for voting to be possibly listed to the Bit-Z platform. For more information on this exchange and our decision, please see: Voting Details: To receive 50 FREE VTC, please signup with the following link: Please note, Referral ID: 1414504 For further vote progress please see: Further instructional details on this process are as follows. Register: To receive 50 FREE VTC to use for voting, please register your account

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Alpha Platform Update, V0.4

With this week’s ongoing platform feature development and integration, we have made live a smaller, but still very much needed patch for the Latium alpha platform. Please see the updates of note below: Improvements: Added the ability to “Pay” a contract in “Working” status Added confirmation modals to Bond transfers Added Bug Bounty and Suggestion Process, Added Tool Tip explanations for Reward, Guaranty, Bond, etc. Fixes: Various bug fixes We would like to take a moment to discuss the

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