Services on Latium

List Your Services on Latium Today Freelancers now have the ability to list their Services on Latium! Listing your Service allows you to highlight your skills to prospective employers where they can review and hire you directly to complete projects. You have 3 package options to be sure to provide exactly what the employer is looking for. Utilize multiple package types to provide more options and higher priced Services Visit Latium today to list your services and be available for

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Announcing the LATX Token Transition to WORK

LATX Moves to WORK We are excited to announce that we’ve created a new token, named WORK! With a 1:1 relationship to LATX, we will outline a path to defi participation through a transition and conversion process from the LATX token to the new, ERC20 token, WORK. The core purpose of migrating LATX to WORK is to add a transfer function that will allow for the token to be used in decentralized applications. We realize that a change as significant as

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Announcing Removal of USDT Tether Support

USDT (Tether) will be removed from the Latium platform beginning 02/24/2021. Latium will continue to support GUSD (Gemini Dollar) and will also add support for USDC (USD Coin). Ability to withdraw USDT will remain in place, but USDT (Tether) will not be supported in any other function. In response to the general uncertainty surrounding Tether, the Latium team has decided to remove support for USDT from our platform. To ensure that our users maintain sound stablecoin options, Latium will continue

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Creating a Portfolio at Latium

Creating a Portfolio at Latium Latium isn’t just for Employers to post projects and hire freelancers. It’s also an excellent place for freelancers to create stunning profiles for Employers to review including a biography, skills and engaging portfolios showing off a freelancer’s particular set of skills and expertise. Setting up a portfolio on Latium is easy, so let’s get right to it on how to set on up. First, after signing in to the platform at, from the main menu navigation

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Latium: Redevelop & Redeploy

The largest Update Since Release Redesign, Refresh, Redevelop & Redeploy From 17′ to Now The Latium platform has come a long way since it’s early alpha in late 2017. Let’s take a look at some of the changes Latium has been through since it’s early beginning, to better understand the process and efforts regarding our latest batch of development updates. If you just want to get right to the update and full explanations of many of the new features available, go ahead and

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