Voting for Latium on Huobi — HADAX

As Latium continues ongoing discussions with exchanges as well as progresses forward on platform feature development and integration, an opportunity for voting on Huobi has been made available. We would like to offer this to the Latium community to participate in for possible exchange listing with Huobi. HADAX, which stands for Huobi Autonomous Digital Asset Exchange, recently was launched by Huobi Pro. This new offering is an opportunity for various projects to be available for voting for listing to the

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Weekly Update: Bit-Z Exchange Voting

With another week of platform development, community interaction and blockchain headlines a plenty, Latium has arrived at the first exchange offer that we feel we can comfortably discuss openly without breaching any NDA or exchange listing process. Bit-Z Open Voting Starting Tuesday, February 13th, 15:00 +8 GMT (3:00 AM EST), Latium will be listed within Bit-Z’s token voting process. Specific information will be available below, however we will help break down the process at Bit-Z for our community user base. Token

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Voting for Latium on Bit-Z

As noted in our previous article, Latium will be available for voting to be possibly listed to the Bit-Z platform. For more information on this exchange and our decision, please see: Voting Details: To receive 50 FREE VTC, please signup with the following link: Please note, Referral ID: 1414504 For further vote progress please see: Further instructional details on this process are as follows. Register: To receive 50 FREE VTC to use for voting, please register your account

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Use Case Example: Content Translation Services

In our ongoing desire to showcase the near limitless market capabilities of the Latium platform, we present to you a use case example for content translation services. In this given scenario Karen is the Marketing Director for a local non-profit organization that specializes in community involvement with food donation drives and assisting low income families with vital nutritional needs. Karen utilizes web, print and multimedia based content platforms to educate and inform the community of ongoing and scheduled initiatives that

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Alpha Platform Update, V0.4

With this week’s ongoing platform feature development and integration, we have made live a smaller, but still very much needed patch for the Latium alpha platform. Please see the updates of note below: Improvements: Added the ability to “Pay” a contract in “Working” status Added confirmation modals to Bond transfers Added Bug Bounty and Suggestion Process, Added Tool Tip explanations for Reward, Guaranty, Bond, etc. Fixes: Various bug fixes We would like to take a moment to discuss the

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